
Becoming a Doctor of Optometry

There are two schools of optometry located in Canada and 20 in the United States that are accredited and recognized in Canada.

The University of Waterloo School of Optometry and Vision Science provides the only English optometric training in Canada. The School delivers an accredited, four year degree program leading to a professional Doctor of Optometry (OD). An extensive clinic program provides practical experience for students and health services for the public. The School of Optometry and Vision Science also has an impressive program supporting research in Vision Science and Optometry.  Students must have completed 3 or more years in a Bachelor of Science to be considered.

University of Waterloo School of Optometry FAQ

Academic Requirements

L'École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal offre aux détenteurs d'un Doctorat en optométrie (O.D.), d'un Baccalauréat ès sciences (B.Sc.) ou d'un diplôme jugé équivalent, plusieurs programmes d'études supérieures.

The Canadian Association of Optometrists provides general information about a career in optometry and has links to the 20 schools of optometry located in the US that are accredited and recognized in Canada.